
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week12/Individual Process - New Terrain

After collected all information and requirements from client, tutor, and other group members, I decided to create another environment with new terrain as well.

This time, I will have to carefully naming and numbering the package files in Unity with terrain and other materials so that I can simply export the environment and  share it within the group easier. Also, I have to flatten the whole terrain to make it as reality as the real world landscape. Which means I have to considering the location of the church with surrounding farmhouses and rivers.

I tried to use World Machine again to get the realistic terrain.

birdview of the testing terrain in WM
(image capture by myself in World Machine)

the detail of my terrain setting procession
(image capture by myself in World Machine)
I tried to lower the whole terrain into plain and basin so that I can set water into it. The setting in World-Machine is quite limited because of the free version.

top view of the testing terrain without texture
image capture by myself in World Machine)

top view of the testing terrain with texture and water level
image capture by myself in World Machine)
After the editing in World-Machine, it have to be export as .RAW file so that can be import to unit as heightmap. The import is plain without any texture.

 testing terrain import to Unity
(image capture of myself in Unity) 
 Then I paint the grass and rock texture on the terrain. Also I have use the 2D normal map on the grass.

 testing terrain with textures
image capture of myself in Unity)

terrain with riverway
image capture of myself in Unity)
 The free version of Unity can not add water in normal way, I create another plan and assign water texture on it.

import a plan to the terrain and set on water level
(image capture of myself in Unity)

final testing terrain with water plan and skybox setting
image capture of myself in Unity)